Friday, 22 November 2013

Obernewtyn chronicles: The Farseekers

Author: Isobelle Carmody

Book 2: The Farseekers

Obernewtyn has changed now. Once it was the dreaded place where Misfits were sent to work. Now it has become a heaven for Misfits. Rushton has become the Master of Obernewtyn and the Misfits have been separated into guilds based on their special abilities. Elspeth is now the leader of the Farseek Guild for those with the same ability as  Elspeth, to see into the minds of beasts. Then Elspeth finds an extraordinary Talent from far away, and a group of Misfits set off to find the unusual Misfit. But the ability they find is unlike anything they have encountered before...

I like the big change from the terrifying Obernewtyn to the new Obernewtyn ruled by Rushton.

Obernewtyn chronicles: Obernewtyn

Author: Isobelle Carmody

Book 1: Obernewtyn

In this book, Obernewtyn is a place where Misfits are taken to be tested on and enslaved. This is quite different from the other books in the series.

Elspeth Gordie is a Misfit, a child born with a mutation that is not immediately clear at birth. She lives in an orphanage, keeping her mutant ability to see the thoughts and memories of all animals from everyone except for her brother. Then a lady from Obernewtyn comes to search the orphanage for Misfits, who are to be taken to Obernewtyn to live. Elspeth is discovered and taken to Obernewtyn, where a large group of other Misfits are waiting for her. The rulers of Obernewtyn, who are mean and cruel, are searching for the same ability that Elspeth has. Elspeth sets off on an adventure inside the walls of Obernewtyn to discover the truth of Obernewtyn.

At some points in this book I got a bit distracted, but not for long. It's mostly exciting, and my favourite book out of the series so far. I like it because the danger of Obernewtyn in the first book adds extra excitement.