Monday 24 October 2011

Fog Mound series (3 books)

Author: Susan Schade

Travels of Thelonious, Book 1: This book is half comic half novel. Thelonious the talking chipmunk gets swept away by a river. He gets washed to the city of ruins where he meets a talking porcupine named Fitzgerald and a talking bear named Olive. Olive makes flying machines and she says she'll take Thelonious to his home on the way to the Fog Mound. After one night at his home, Thelonious decides to go to the Fog mound with Olive and Fitz. While in the flying machine Thelonious meets Brown lizard. Inside the Fog mound they find the last living human on earth named Bill.

Faradawn, Book 2: On the roof Bill says his first word 'Faradawn.' Then Bill disappears. So Brown and Thelonious follow Bill into his lab. Inside, Bill shows them a boat he made, "for Thelonious" he said. He got Olive to make a big version so they can go to Faradawn. At Faradawn island Olive helps the birds get free from the mountain which had a rock on top. Thelonious, Brown, Fitz and Morrie, there new crow friend help the birds get rid of the mutant crabs. The birds were so happy they held a wingfest. During the wingfest a whopper comes out of the water and attacks the birds. Some  crocodiles come and kill the whopper and lead Olive to Ruby, her lost sister.

Simon's Dream, Book3: With Bill directing them, the group gets led to a house. Bill runs away to a time machine and goes in with Brown, Cluid (a chipmunk from the Fog mound who came with them) and Thelonious following him. They end up speaking reptile and getting captured by Upsilon, the wolf man. He tells them that they haven't gone back in time. When his friends come a rat led them back to the boat were a note was stuck to a stick. They read the note and Bill falls into the water. Once he was out Bill talked fine. They went to the mess hall, which is what the note said to do. They see Upsilon who takes them on a flying sofa to the city of ruins, which is where the note said the bears were. At the city the bears and other animals VS the evil ratminks. During the war, the evil dragon lady sneeks away. Thelonious and Cluid follow and end up having to show the way to the Fog mound. But Thelonious freezes the dragon lady and Cluid escapes.

Travel of Thelonious (Book 1)

Faradawn (Book 2)
Simon's Dream (Book 3)


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